Launch of the Skinners’ Academies Trust
We are delighted to announce the formation of the Skinners’ Academies Trust, incorporating The Marsh Academy, Skinners’ Academy, The Skinners’ Kent Academy, Skinners’ Kent Primary School and The Skinners’ School. The Chair of the new Trust will be Mr Johnny Aisher, a former pupil of one of the Skinners' schools, former Chairman of Governors at Skinners' School and a past Master of the Skinners' Company. Ian Anderson, Director of Education at the Skinners’ Company, will be its Senior Executive Leader.
From 1 September our new Trust brings these five schools under one legal structure. We are proud of our diversity, the range of communities we serve and the historic performance of our schools: a founding principle of the new Trust is that it will leave significant autonomy with our schools' leaders and governors. Each school governing body will become a committee of the Trust Board, but will continue to have primary oversight of its school. Our headteachers will be key voices shaping the Trust's strategy.
At the same time, we are excited about the opportunity to keep getting better by working more closely together. By forming the Trust, we will enable and promote deeper practical collaboration to the benefit of all our young people.
Our first major project will be a strategy to invest collectively in our staff, giving them excellent development and progression opportunities and thereby ensuring our students all receive the best possible teaching. More to follow soon on our thinking in this area – watch this space!