The Members are the guardians of the constitution of the Trust and appoint the Trustees.
The Board of Trustees is ultimately accountable for all our schools. Our Board has two Committees, for Finance, Audit and Risk and for Education.
Our five schools retain their Local Governing Bodies (LGBs), which formally are also Committees of the Board. In our delegated Trust culture, our LGBs then each determine their own sub-committee structure to ensure effective local oversight of each school.
Our small Trust central team comprises a Senior Executive Leader, Chief Financial Officer (CFO), Head of Governance, Director of People, Head of Professional Development and Executive Assistant. The team are advised on strategy and operations by the senior leaders of each of our schools, via regular "roundtable" meetings of our heads and of our schools' business leaders (SBLs).
Articles of Association
Register of Business Interests
Scheme of Delegation
Funding Agreements
Trustees Report and Audited Accounts
Terms of Reference